About Crosby-Redmond- Pettit- Payton

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Redmond Family Photos

My Grandparent's 50th Wedding Anniversary
(L to R) Sparks, Gammy, Mary, Gangal, William,Robert, Perry Redmond.
Will have to research what year this was.

The was taken in 1958 at my Grandparents house.  Photo on the wall if of my cousin Peggy Redmond Ritchie.  My dad told me who all are.... and I have it written down in a safe place.  The baby is Bobby (in Gammy;s lap), my Mother, Sue, in in front of Gammy.   Johnny, my brother is in the chair in front, to his left is (Uncle)  Jimmy and  (Aunt) Mary Arendale and to his right if Steve and Jeannette Arendale.  Behind Gammmy if Wanda , then Robert, then my Dad , William.  Others are Great Uncles and Aunts from Rome, GA.   Will update when I remember where I put the note......................... 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

more... Why I hate Squirrels

More evidence of the destuctive properties of squirrels.  Any advice welcomed.

Why I hate Squirrels

We had a new deck built.  Waited to stain it.  Now the squirrels are gnawing the deck!! It is awful and very frustrating.  I sand, repaint/stain and they come back and chew again!!  We applied two coats of a dark stain (teak).   Now I don't know what to do.  Have tried repellant, spray and traps and they keep coming!!  This is from August when we were staining it.  It took about a month to do as had to wait two days after rain and two days before rain to let it dry.  All our hard work and money --- so wasted.   Have not put the table back on the deck until can solve the squirrel problem.  In researching, found out it is illegal to poison squirrels  and difficult to do so.  We have a pet, so would be leary of poisioning anyway, plus neighbors  have pets. 


Christmas was a quiet day at home.  Due to illness (Ours and Mama'a) no travel to Alabaster, nor travel to there.  We had ham, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, broccoli, Lima beans, salad and Pecan creme pie.  Watched the Disney parade and opened gifts.   Took our cough and cold medication and called parents.   Next year, I do not want to be sick at Christmas.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ladies Christmas Banquet 2012

     Had a great night.  Went to the Ladies Christmas banquet at our church.  Some of the ladies took a table each and decorated it with a Christmas theme, everyone's table looked beautiful and very colorful.  They all had different ideas and themes, and everyone had a little trinket for the ladies.  Our table had blue and green and gold balls in a clear bowl and was surounded by a wreath and small blue and green tinsel-ly trees.  Our trinket was a small writing pad with attached pen. 
     A sweet and talented group of ladies sang Christmas songs and led us in Christmas songs and we all had fun with each table acting out and singing "The 12 days of Christmas," our table was eight maids a milking.  Eash table would stand up, act out the verse and be as loud as they could.  We were all giggling and laughing and having a lot of fun.  The speaker was Suzanne Crocker, She spoke about Ruth and how she was a foreigner in a strange land, yet stayed with her Mother-in-law and found happiness in a bad situation.  Ruth ended up being the Grandmother of King David, and she is in Jesus' lineage.
     Suzanne  also spoke about her experiences in Africa and her and her husband's Missionary work.  Turns out she is a nurse and works at the same Hospital I do.  I spoke with her afterwards and got her book 'Pig in a Taxi.'  Of course I had to ask about the title, it a chapter in the book about how they wanted pork chops and had to bring the pig back!! Anyway I got the book and she autographed it and I can't wait to start reading it tonight!  Just have been busy all day and getting a little tired, so will see. 
     Tonight was also the SEC championship game, gave my friend Kerri (she helped plan the event) a little grief about it, she said she's not a football fan, we laughed about it.  Her father is a big 'Bama fam.  So while the ladies were singing a lovely Christmas Hymn, one  table all of a sudden raised their arms and clapped and made an "A" with their arms!! Bama won!  There were smiles all around.  I taped the game, maybe watch it tomorrow..
    We had such a sweet fellowship tonight, lovely surroundings, fun times and a good meal (Nothing but noodles).  Definitely going next year.  Just remember one dear, sweet friend who was not here this year, rest in peace...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Casey ...our 20 year old dog.  We got her in Feb of 1992, in March that year, we had that hugh snow storm.  I had to ride the hospital van to work.  Casey is very weak now, this is an old photo of her.  She is a good dog.
Yum!  Americana Taco Layer Salad, it got half eaten..