About Crosby-Redmond- Pettit- Payton

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Some Family History

Family History -- family story passed down verbally.. 

It has been passed down by word of mouth that my Dad ( and his siblings) had an older brother and an older sister that died the same year... years before my Dad was born.   Well my cousin shared an old scrapbook with a newspaper story about the little boy, who was only 14 months old.  We found a death certificate for the little girl who was five years old at the time of her death.  I will start at Midway Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery where the are both buried.  Thanks to findagrave, have photos of both the graves.  

They both have little lambs on top of headstones and inscriptions on their headstones that represent the love of their parents.  Who can imagine the tremendous sorry of my Grandparents at losing not one, but two children within three months of each other.   I wish I could have talked with them about this.    How did they survive?  continue on?  I was only about four when Gammy died and seventeen when Gangal passed away from a Stroke.  

REDMOND, Edith Annette
31 May, 1916
4 June, 1921
"A fair bud of promise never bloomed"

REDMOND, Clyde Floyd
18 May, 1920 
21 Aug., 1921 

Headstone reads "Budded on Earth to bloom in heaven"

In my cousin's scrapbook, found this article that supports the family history that the boy drank kerosene and died.   More details, he was playing and found a coke bottle of kerosene and drank it.   My Grandparents went on to have four more children. I has always thought that he had died in Rome, GA, but this happened in Birmingham, AL and he was buried in Rome, GA.  His parents and Grandparents were from Rome and he was born in Rome. His father, my Grandfather worked for Southern Railroad.     

The little girl, it was told, died after a birthday party of food poisoning from the ice cream.  Another person said it was Botulism.  My hubby did some research and found her death certificate.. it lists "Acidosis" as the cause of death.   Was the acidosis 2nd to food poisoning?? We may never know.  Searches of newspapers have not revealed anything, at this time.   Her Birthdate of May 31 and death June 4 supports the "Birthday Party" story.  

By the way, the Dr. Sparks on the death certificate delivered at least my Uncle Sparks ( he is named after the Doctor) and later in 1929, took two streetcars to come deliver my Dad at home 12/23 in a huge snowstorm that struck Birmingham that year.   My dad always said his mother said she has quite a time getting him born and joked about it.   That is a whole another story.. The story of my Dad's birth is one of his favorite stories to tell people he meets. 


Edith Annette Redmond Death Certificate. 

Blast from the Past

My cousin brought over scrapbook and old photos for my Dad to look at while I am with him.  He is recovering from a stroke.

Saw a newspaper article and the name did not ring a bell, some of the articles were on his Dad's side of the family and not anyone I know.  There was an wedding announcement.. at first did not recognize the bride, recognized the name Mrs. Clarence Redmond ( my aunt Sybil) and further down was me!!!  I was the flower girl.  Wow.  I feel lucky to see it!!!  The articles back then were a lot more descriptive than announcements today.   
Somewhere I have photo of me with the bride, Faye at the wedding. I am thinking she became a Speech Pathologist at UAB.   I am thinking that Sybil was Faye's aunt. 


Saturday, June 2, 2018

my Kindergarten Graduation

Wow blast from the past !
Some of these people I went through school and high school with.
Wilkes Baptist Church was so close to our home and looks like lots of kids went there. 
I remember being picked up in a station wagon to go to Kindergarten.   
A lot of these people graduated from Midfield High School.. 

My Uncle ..

My Uncle Clarence Redmond only lived 14 months.  For years have heard the tragic story of his death, passed on from family.

Now have newspaper article.  Found in scrapbook at my cousin's house that belonged to his Mother ..
I always thought he died in Rome, GA, but he died in Birmingham and was buried in Rome (where he was born.)